
Each apartment has a 100/100 Mbit cabeled internet access point provided by Lynet internet. Use of this is included in your rent.

Connecting to the internet

You will need a network cable to connect directly from the wall to your computer or you can set up your own router to get wireless internet to all your devices. In every bedroom there is a network socket with two access points. Usually the one on the right is the only one active. (In family apartments the socket is in the living room)

BSN do not provide support for setting up wireless networks or any software issues you may have.

However if you have reasons to believe that there’s a problem with your internet service please contact Lynet support and they will check your connections. Make sure you provide them with your BSN room number.


The GYM is a free offer for residents of BSN only, located in the in the C-block.

Terms and conditions

Remember that you must approve the registration terms on the form in order for us to process your registration. You can find the registration terms on the registration form. Your key should already have access to the gym.

Opening hours

Every day from 07:00 to 23:00


The Squash court is free to use for all our residents. There is a laundry card hanging at the squash hall which must be used to turn on the light. BSN does not have a booking system for reservation.

The squash hall is in the basement of the C block.
You can find the entrance next to Bunnpris towards BI Norwegian Business School. Open the door by using the blue key chip.

The squash hall is open from 07:00 to 22:00.


BSN has partnered with 2 different TV providers. RiksTV offers TV signals through the antenna connection and SnapTV offer through the internet connection. Both will provide their subscribers with a decoder box. For SnapTV you will need a router to connect internet and TV decoder from the same wall socket. If you wish to sign up for one of these, contact:

RiksTV order  or  SnapTV order

They offer special deals for tenants at BSN so make sure you use the link above or refer to BSN when you sign-up.


It is possible to rent a storage unit in the basement of the B- and C-block.It is 7-10 m2 please see this link for prices 

You have to bring your own padlock with a long hoop (see the picture). The storage units should always be locked. We need  a two month notice for terminating your storage room agreement. So you will be responsible until the end of the current month plus 1 more month. If you are interested send us an email. If we have an available unit, we will update your room key to have access to the storage room basement. After you have access, please put your lock on the storage room and then you can send us an email. After we see that your storage room is locked, then we will remove the BSN lock.


Parking for tenants at BSN

Our parking places are managed by  If you want to reserve a parking spot, send us an email and we will set up an account at for you.  After you have made your account and signed your contract, we can arrange a time for key pick up.

Place: Gunnar Schjelderupsvei 13E
Price: Click here pricelist
Notice period: 2 months

The keys are returnes in an envelope with name. Deliver the envelope to bsn`s mailbox outside the main entrance Gunnar Schjelderupsvei 13A.


External parking
Place: Gunnar Schjelderupsvei 11
Price: Click here for pricelist
Notice period: 2 months

Keys are returned in an envelope with name and bank account number. Deliver the envelope to bsn`s mailbox outside the main entrance Gunnar Schjelderupsvei 13A the day the park goes out. Please send us an email, after you have delivered the key to

To rent external parking, use the contact form under contact us, with the following information: name, registration number of car, address, telephone number and the date you want the parking from.


BSN has a laundry room for our tenants use located behind the reception on the first floor of building A. The laundry is equipped with washers and dryers. Next to the laundry there is a waiting lounge.

Laundry chips

Laundry chips are provided at check in. The chips already are uploaded  with a balance of 200kr This amount will be billed on your first invoice.   If you lose this chip you will have to buy a replacement for 100,kr.  The chip is prepaid through an external page provided by the machine vendor. Here you can view your balance and insert your e-mail and personal password. It cost 14kr for washing and  .27kr  per minute for drying.


Use of the laundry room

It’s not allowed to use your own detergents in the machines. The system is set up with an automatic dispenser that dispenses detergents and fabric softener by weighing the load and according to program. You chose color/ white and softener on/ off on the “Ecolab” display on each machine.

Make sure you pick up your clothes immediately after the machine has finished. The expected time is shown on the machines display shortly after start as soon as the weighing process is completed. If you put your e-mail into your web account you will receive an e-mail alert.

Clothes left in machines or elsewhere can be placed by anyone into the bins by the door. This bin is thrown out weekly.



It is important to register your address with the postoffice when you move in and when you move out. You can register change of address here.

House rules

Here you will find the house rules for BSN: